In August issue of Eduard magazine INFO is published my article featuring American fighter pilot Fred Christensen of 56. Fighter group and his two air battles in summer 1944 over France. As addition to the story I am adding several images and movies, including Fred´s famous cat.
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Barevný záběr na Miss Fire, ve které Christensen docílil dvou sestřelů v létě 1944
Color picture of Miss Fire that helped to Christensen score two kills in summer 1944
Záběr na Christensenovy a Edenovy sestřely ze 7. 7. 1944 nad Gardelegenem.
Footage of Christensen´s and Eden´s Ju 52 kills on July 7, 1944 over Gardelegen.
Záběr z Christensenova fotokulometu / Christensen´s gun camera
Záběr z Edenova fotokulometu / Eden´s gun camera
A pár záběrů Christensena a jeho slavného kocoura Sindibáda. Kdyby nebylo jeho tajemných sil, 56. FG by dosáhla daleko menšího počtu leteckých vítězství!
And several shots of Christensen´s black ca Sinbad. Without mysterious forces of the Sinbad, 56. FG would never achieved so many aerial victories!
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